Here are the floor mods I have discovered so far. There seem to be a couple of different types, I assume one group is major and one group is minor:
Group 1 (major I think):
Speedy: Probably increased enemy move speed, though it might also increase the speed of other things.
Dangerous: Not entirely sure what this does, I assume increased enemy damage.
Elite: I imagine this increases the spawn rate of enchanted enemies.
Group 2 (minor I think):
Frozen: More enemies (including common ones) spawn with the ice/water enchantment, might have additional effects? It also seems to cause all water (the terrain thing) to spawn as ice, which is slippery.
Stormy: More enemies (including common ones) spawn with the electricity enchantment, might have additional effects? Also creates a wind every now and then that blows you in whatever direction it's going.
Burning. More enemies (including common ones) spawn with the fire enchantment, might have additional effects? It also seems to remove all water.
Floors can have multiple mods, perhaps one from each category?
how do you garuntee fire boss shows up I need to rematch them now that I know I need to stop spamming necromancy for the boss, because theres no enemies so my typical necromancy+knight+watergun won't work, still keeping the knight and watergun tho
just came back after a few months, last time I played was a round that got me to about 2k meters when skeleton gear came out, but now I come, and in my first run discover fire, and I am impressed, and very, very dead. I got 2 shot by fire, and now know I need to up my game or find some skeleton gauntlets, probably both
this seems like a great game for kids just came on here for some assets saw this game thought id give it a spin and im defiantly about to let my son give this a try im sure he would love this should keep him busy for some weeks lol great game fam great game!
I just spent half the day playing this, Love the game :D. I haven't gotten lost in a game like that in ages.
One comment I have is the stats seems to be a bit confusing. Intelect seems to effect the damage that wands do, but strength seems to effect contact damage? not sure what each time of damage releates too. If there was an in-game guide to what the effects are, even just a small wiki or something you can open in game to see what contact damage is, and how it works opposed to wand damage for example
You've got a solid foundation here, looking forward to seeing where this project goes! The fundamental gameplay loop is satisfying, and though I think there's some tweaking to do with the difficulty scaling as you get further into the run, overall things feel balanced and challenging without feeling too unfair.
That said, there is a significant difficulty spike at about 800m that seems to kill most of my runs. Random run-of-the-mill enemies seemingly go from dying easily and not hurting much to being nigh un-killable and obliterating me in 1-2 hits. I wouldn't complain if that gets smoothed out a little bit.
Out of curiosity, any plans for a "final boss" of sorts? Or a way to "complete" a run without dying?
Seems like Sir Honkalot dash build with high dash rate and dash dmg, phoenix badger + evasiveness + honking heal would be the only effective way to stay alive in later areas, by spamming healing sprints (using dodge to avoid the plentiful dmg that can easily kill in seconds) to kill enemies, using badger to survive oneshots. Any1 found anything else that might work?
An excerpt from the journal of fire: Level 24, forest of doom. "At first I was like, what the heck even is fire damage? I have 148 fire res and I'm the mayor of Asbestos. Then I was like, oh, that's fire damage. CURSE YOU, DECREASING MARGINAL UTILITY!!!"
I think it is just my computer it is old and I am getting a new one soon. i will follow up later. still a good game, it does still work on my pc tho so it is fine
I streamed your game last week. Overall, it's a perfectly serviceable game, but has some technical issues as well as lacking an interesting hook. The music also needs some work.
While I enjoy the random aspects of the game, such as picking 1 of 3 different upgrades each level attained - this always does make an interesting choice and really kicks in the dopamine when it feels like the choice was made well - it is also a concept and idea I've seen tread a lot. The one area where these type of games can become interesting is in the rogue like elements, however as it is now, the levels are exactly the same each time, removing the fun randomness that can come with rogue likes. I'm not sure how fun this game would be after only a few runs when the player is constantly going through the exact same order of levels with only stat changes happening each run.
On the technical aspect, I would spend some time working on UI design and functionality. There are a lot of parts of the UI that are just difficult to determine what is a button and what isn't. There doesn't seem to be much of a logical flow to buttons either - for example, the space in the main menu that typically is reserved for a game title, and with art that looks like a game title, is actually the button to play the game. What a strange decision. Annoyingly, Quit is placed below all of the social media buttons as well. Typically social media buttons are placed out of the way of the main menu controls that way folks don't accidental click on them which can cause frustration. (to clarify my point here: it's not necessarily about where you have placed these buttons, it's that the UI design in general needs work.) When in combat, it's nice having all the information tacked to the player character, except in hectic combat the player's eyes are looking at where they are aiming, they probably aren't looking at their character, thus making tracking health and dodge cool-down difficult. 2 things would fix this: 1) a sound cue. Always have redundant design. Visuals are good, but visuals and sound is best. 2) Have an on-screen HUD. If you can have an exp bar at the top of the screen, you can have a health bar and timer for the dodge on the screen. Finally, I experienced a strange bug where the cursor wouldn't display at all. I later during the stream realized that somehow OBS was able to capture the cursor, however on my own screen the cursor was not visible at all, which unfortunately lead to a rather frustrating experience.
Finally, the music. Normally in my reviews I don't bring up music unless it's absolutely heinous. Let me assure you: that is not your music. Your music is perfect serviceable, however, I am bringing it up since you drew attention to it within your game's marketing. While some of the writing sounds fine, the overall production sounds cheap and amatuerish. The sample libraries - especially the horns - sound like cheap sound font instruments. If they are Kontakt libraries then you likely are not making effective use of their velocity layers and articulations. The same can be said about the string library as well, though less offensive than the horns - the strings still should have more work done. I also don't see much purpose for having "electronic and orchestra" music. The implementation in the music seems poorly conceived. It feels more like someone decided to slap cheap hop-style drums under a cheap sound font orchestra without much consideration to the actual arrangement. All of the instruments don't seem to have their own place in the arrangement beyond "well we want orchestra and drums". There is no defined role for instruments, and the "electronic" part doesn't seem to interact or mesh with the "orchestra" part. Finally, the mix lacks life. This likely comes down to poor processing and over-reliance on very digital sounding samples. The drums sounded dry and unprocessed, the strings sounded like they were stuffed into an auditorium in a completely separate building from the rest of the orchestra. Nothing feels cohesive, and nothing feels exciting. Consider improving your mixing abilities as well as considering what roles your instruments play (not just considering whether it's a melody instrument, but also it's place in the frequency spectrum: is it a treble lead or a mid lead?)
If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.
Very cool, loads of potential. Biggest complaint has to be the clutter same as Vortain said, you just kinda die in the late game out of nowhere due to the heavy spawn rate and enemy health. My second complaint is in a similar vein, obstacles that stop your movement can often blend into the background which can make getting stuck and ganked feel pretty bad.
I don't know how feasible it is to zoom out and increase the map size a bit. Very cool idea, excited to see where it goes!
Great concept, unique style, good use of an already existing concept.
However, the visual mess that ensues after a 6-7 laps makes it feel like the challenge dies and visual swarm that ensues on an already claustrophobic game is unfortunate. Enemies blending with my attacks and summons. Makes it hard to decide if my build was trash, or if I just hit a point of impossibility (I'd lean toward the former for sake of fairness).
A fun ride, but not one I want to stay on at this point in development. I feel it could have better potential than, say, something like Vampire Survivors, but is held back by visual spam and a small screen, both of which VS handles very, very well as I think back on it. Anyone with a visual impairment *might* have a very difficult time with the game. But that is, of course, just my opinion and one that I formed in only a couple of hours. If it is beloved by most others as is, then my opinion won't be useful. But I hope it is in some way.
Look forward to future changes though in the coming months/years. Thanks for letting us play the demo and good luck!
Very very cool game. The performance is a little bad, and there's no cloud saving, but other than those minor issues. This game is absolutely amazing and I love it!
It's very fun, but the artstyle is somewhat incosistent, especially when it comes to the redhead. She has less shading than the others and she feels a little out of place
I had lots of fun with this demo and I can't wait for the more finished version! I wish I could share my thoughts on balancing or anything about my experience but I just overall enjoyed it a lot and I'll probably love whatever you do to the game in the future. I will say that I especially liked the design and play of Sir Honkalot and Wilhelm (Britta was my least fav sorry!), and also how the stealing from Furcifer mechanic generally works out. Also I must say that the shaders are fantastic. Oh! And I love much of the item text "sometimes it wiggles when it's happy".
Bugs / Crashing?
I had de+recompiled the game for Linux but I never once experienced any bugs, crashes, or fps drops. Game ran perfectly fine at 60 fps for the whole playthrough. My experience may not be indicative for ███████ users though.
Bap the "export to Linux" button in Godot so it's less of a hassle for me/us/them/it to play the game thx :D
Every time I go for higher ATK SPD, e.g., spamming Lightning Wand, meteor, or anything — basically upgrading atk spd is just a bad idea.
Plus, the FPS drops significantly the further u get into the run. It got so ridiculous to the point the red chest is the only safe-haven where it comes back to 25+ from <10; the worse I've seen was 5 before it completely crashed.
← Return to game
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Speedy Forest of THE END, lucky me...
I mean look at those shrooms go! I can only imagine what this would be like with *1.5 enemy speed from Furcifer...
Ah well goodbye level 35 Wilhelm, it was fun while it lasted...
113 int and 40ish block, then got mage armor...
Here are the floor mods I have discovered so far. There seem to be a couple of different types, I assume one group is major and one group is minor:
Group 1 (major I think):
Speedy: Probably increased enemy move speed, though it might also increase the speed of other things.
Dangerous: Not entirely sure what this does, I assume increased enemy damage.
Elite: I imagine this increases the spawn rate of enchanted enemies.
Group 2 (minor I think):
Frozen: More enemies (including common ones) spawn with the ice/water enchantment, might have additional effects? It also seems to cause all water (the terrain thing) to spawn as ice, which is slippery.
Stormy: More enemies (including common ones) spawn with the electricity enchantment, might have additional effects? Also creates a wind every now and then that blows you in whatever direction it's going.
Burning. More enemies (including common ones) spawn with the fire enchantment, might have additional effects? It also seems to remove all water.
Floors can have multiple mods, perhaps one from each category?
The improved ice/normal enchantments for enemies are nice, but they don't aim, making them easy to avoid. Maybe make them aim?
this is fun, just wish it wasn't so laggy for me. pretty cool though
how do i save my progress ?
i seem to lose everything everytime i play
Maybe your browser deletes the cookies? If you're on Windows try the download version or just download from Steam
got a run where the scarecrow was enchanted with sword and it almost one shot me on spawn
Can't find the full dark or electric sets, or any nature items. Do they exist?
Normal electric and dark all don't have full sets. Nature and light don't have any.
how do you garuntee fire boss shows up I need to rematch them now that I know I need to stop spamming necromancy for the boss, because theres no enemies so my typical necromancy+knight+watergun won't work, still keeping the knight and watergun tho
It is just chance, there is no way, just always be ready, also use the dog for that boss, the teleport helps alot
just came back after a few months, last time I played was a round that got me to about 2k meters when skeleton gear came out, but now I come, and in my first run discover fire, and I am impressed, and very, very dead. I got 2 shot by fire, and now know I need to up my game or find some skeleton gauntlets, probably both
also I have no data because i used to use crazygames
but thats not bad thing, besides the normal type sword and skeleton gauntlets, I miss those and their OP powers
got fungeon devil using knight+necromancy build, where did fire go?
If one repeatedly leftclicks with the wooden spoon, the game lags
this seems like a great game for kids just came on here for some assets saw this game thought id give it a spin and im defiantly about to let my son give this a try im sure he would love this should keep him busy for some weeks lol great game fam great game!
I just spent half the day playing this, Love the game :D. I haven't gotten lost in a game like that in ages.
One comment I have is the stats seems to be a bit confusing. Intelect seems to effect the damage that wands do, but strength seems to effect contact damage? not sure what each time of damage releates too. If there was an in-game guide to what the effects are, even just a small wiki or something you can open in game to see what contact damage is, and how it works opposed to wand damage for example
contact damage is damage you deal when you hit a enemy. wand damage is how much your weapon/primary does to enemys
You've got a solid foundation here, looking forward to seeing where this project goes! The fundamental gameplay loop is satisfying, and though I think there's some tweaking to do with the difficulty scaling as you get further into the run, overall things feel balanced and challenging without feeling too unfair.
That said, there is a significant difficulty spike at about 800m that seems to kill most of my runs. Random run-of-the-mill enemies seemingly go from dying easily and not hurting much to being nigh un-killable and obliterating me in 1-2 hits. I wouldn't complain if that gets smoothed out a little bit.
Out of curiosity, any plans for a "final boss" of sorts? Or a way to "complete" a run without dying?
Seems like Sir Honkalot dash build with high dash rate and dash dmg, phoenix badger + evasiveness + honking heal would be the only effective way to stay alive in later areas, by spamming healing sprints (using dodge to avoid the plentiful dmg that can easily kill in seconds) to kill enemies, using badger to survive oneshots. Any1 found anything else that might work?
Hey, have you checked the top builds in the leaderboard? you can click on the entries to see the builds
Y e s
This game is really cool!
I remember when I once died to a scarecrow (he training dummy thing) with the normal modifier (the one that shoots knives).
An excerpt from the journal of fire: Level 24, forest of doom. "At first I was like, what the heck even is fire damage? I have 148 fire res and I'm the mayor of Asbestos. Then I was like, oh, that's fire damage. CURSE YOU, DECREASING MARGINAL UTILITY!!!"
love this game
The game is perfect the artwork gameplay partiacle effects perfect
lost interest during tutorial
try it it is really fun and lots to do
Are you by any chance watching a lot of TikTok?
i cant play anymore my movement and shooting isn't working anymore. sad
cant wait to play again hopefully
Have you checked your key rebinds, and that you didnt switch to controller?
I think it is just my computer it is old and I am getting a new one soon. i will follow up later. still a good game, it does still work on my pc tho so it is fine
this game is awsome nice work!
I streamed your game last week. Overall, it's a perfectly serviceable game, but has some technical issues as well as lacking an interesting hook. The music also needs some work.
While I enjoy the random aspects of the game, such as picking 1 of 3 different upgrades each level attained - this always does make an interesting choice and really kicks in the dopamine when it feels like the choice was made well - it is also a concept and idea I've seen tread a lot. The one area where these type of games can become interesting is in the rogue like elements, however as it is now, the levels are exactly the same each time, removing the fun randomness that can come with rogue likes. I'm not sure how fun this game would be after only a few runs when the player is constantly going through the exact same order of levels with only stat changes happening each run.
On the technical aspect, I would spend some time working on UI design and functionality. There are a lot of parts of the UI that are just difficult to determine what is a button and what isn't. There doesn't seem to be much of a logical flow to buttons either - for example, the space in the main menu that typically is reserved for a game title, and with art that looks like a game title, is actually the button to play the game. What a strange decision. Annoyingly, Quit is placed below all of the social media buttons as well. Typically social media buttons are placed out of the way of the main menu controls that way folks don't accidental click on them which can cause frustration. (to clarify my point here: it's not necessarily about where you have placed these buttons, it's that the UI design in general needs work.)
When in combat, it's nice having all the information tacked to the player character, except in hectic combat the player's eyes are looking at where they are aiming, they probably aren't looking at their character, thus making tracking health and dodge cool-down difficult. 2 things would fix this: 1) a sound cue. Always have redundant design. Visuals are good, but visuals and sound is best. 2) Have an on-screen HUD. If you can have an exp bar at the top of the screen, you can have a health bar and timer for the dodge on the screen.
Finally, I experienced a strange bug where the cursor wouldn't display at all. I later during the stream realized that somehow OBS was able to capture the cursor, however on my own screen the cursor was not visible at all, which unfortunately lead to a rather frustrating experience.
Finally, the music. Normally in my reviews I don't bring up music unless it's absolutely heinous. Let me assure you: that is not your music. Your music is perfect serviceable, however, I am bringing it up since you drew attention to it within your game's marketing.
While some of the writing sounds fine, the overall production sounds cheap and amatuerish. The sample libraries - especially the horns - sound like cheap sound font instruments. If they are Kontakt libraries then you likely are not making effective use of their velocity layers and articulations. The same can be said about the string library as well, though less offensive than the horns - the strings still should have more work done.
I also don't see much purpose for having "electronic and orchestra" music. The implementation in the music seems poorly conceived. It feels more like someone decided to slap cheap hop-style drums under a cheap sound font orchestra without much consideration to the actual arrangement. All of the instruments don't seem to have their own place in the arrangement beyond "well we want orchestra and drums". There is no defined role for instruments, and the "electronic" part doesn't seem to interact or mesh with the "orchestra" part.
Finally, the mix lacks life. This likely comes down to poor processing and over-reliance on very digital sounding samples. The drums sounded dry and unprocessed, the strings sounded like they were stuffed into an auditorium in a completely separate building from the rest of the orchestra. Nothing feels cohesive, and nothing feels exciting.
Consider improving your mixing abilities as well as considering what roles your instruments play (not just considering whether it's a melody instrument, but also it's place in the frequency spectrum: is it a treble lead or a mid lead?)
If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.
its a demo
Nothing wrong with critiquing a demo. In fact, it's actually a good thing because it helps to show where the game can improve. 🙂
that said, doesn't mean every criticism is valid. Listen to everything but take it with a grain of salt.
Is cool games. I love it.
Very cool, loads of potential. Biggest complaint has to be the clutter same as Vortain said, you just kinda die in the late game out of nowhere due to the heavy spawn rate and enemy health. My second complaint is in a similar vein, obstacles that stop your movement can often blend into the background which can make getting stuck and ganked feel pretty bad.
I don't know how feasible it is to zoom out and increase the map size a bit. Very cool idea, excited to see where it goes!
Great concept, unique style, good use of an already existing concept.
However, the visual mess that ensues after a 6-7 laps makes it feel like the challenge dies and visual swarm that ensues on an already claustrophobic game is unfortunate. Enemies blending with my attacks and summons. Makes it hard to decide if my build was trash, or if I just hit a point of impossibility (I'd lean toward the former for sake of fairness).
A fun ride, but not one I want to stay on at this point in development. I feel it could have better potential than, say, something like Vampire Survivors, but is held back by visual spam and a small screen, both of which VS handles very, very well as I think back on it. Anyone with a visual impairment *might* have a very difficult time with the game. But that is, of course, just my opinion and one that I formed in only a couple of hours. If it is beloved by most others as is, then my opinion won't be useful. But I hope it is in some way.
Look forward to future changes though in the coming months/years. Thanks for letting us play the demo and good luck!
why would you nerf adventurer so hard?
does the game not make website save files?
If your browser deletes cookies it might not save. Use the download build on or Steam!
Very very cool game. The performance is a little bad, and there's no cloud saving, but other than those minor issues. This game is absolutely amazing and I love it!
I could jam out to this music for hours. Well done
It's very fun, but the artstyle is somewhat incosistent, especially when it comes to the redhead. She has less shading than the others and she feels a little out of place
I'm just going just say what we all are thinking. I really miss aventure. I used to be so good. So can we please have it back Furcifer?
I had lots of fun with this demo and I can't wait for the more finished version! I wish I could share my thoughts on balancing or anything about my experience but I just overall enjoyed it a lot and I'll probably love whatever you do to the game in the future. I will say that I especially liked the design and play of Sir Honkalot and Wilhelm (Britta was my least fav sorry!), and also how the stealing from Furcifer mechanic generally works out. Also I must say that the shaders are fantastic. Oh! And I love much of the item text "sometimes it wiggles when it's happy".
Bugs / Crashing?
I had de+recompiled the game for Linux but I never once experienced any bugs, crashes, or fps drops. Game ran perfectly fine at 60 fps for the whole playthrough. My experience may not be indicative for ███████ users though.
Bap the "export to Linux" button in Godot so it's less of a hassle for me/us/them/it to play the game thx :D
this game looks amazing!!!
ok is looks so fire bro, nice work!
lol I love ducks, such a cool game
Can you give us any info?
Every time I go for higher ATK SPD, e.g., spamming Lightning Wand, meteor, or anything — basically upgrading atk spd is just a bad idea.
Plus, the FPS drops significantly the further u get into the run. It got so ridiculous to the point the red chest is the only safe-haven where it comes back to 25+ from <10; the worse I've seen was 5 before it completely crashed.
get better computer.
or not.
Im guessing that being a necromaster is the best?
you can check out what other people play in the leaderboard!